Putting Down Roots: TreesUpstate’s Annual Giving Campaign

Please join us with a gift of support to help us continue to grow our roots throughout the Upstate through planting and education. TreesUpstate has planted and given away over 45,800 trees throughout the Upstate since 2005 with a >90% survival rate.

  • Root Individual $35 or Root Family $50

    Helps us plant a tree.
  • Carolina Silverbell $100

    Helps us plant 1 tree which at maturity, will capture up to 500 gallons of rainwater runoff annually.
  • Eastern Redbud $250

    Helps us plant 2 trees, which at maturity, will remove the equivalent of 22,000 miles of car emissions annually.
  • Carolina Sapphire $500

    Helps us plant 3 trees which, at maturity, will absorb 78 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. In addition, your name wil be listed in the quarterly newsletter.
  • Red Maple $1,000

    Helps us plant 5 trees which, at maturity, will have sequestered 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide. In addition, your name will be listed in the quarterly newsletter and TreesUpstate’s website. You will also become part of the exclusive Red Maple Society and receive special recognition at our annual ReLeaf Party.
  • Southern Magnolia $2,500

    Helps us plant 12 trees. In addition to receiving the Red Maple benefits and becoming part of the exclusive Red Maple Society, you will receive a one hour consultation with TreesUpstate’s certified Arborist.
  • Black Tupelo $5,000

    Helps us plant 25 trees. In addition to receiving the Red Maple benefits and becoming part of the exclusive Red Maple Society, you will receive a two hour consultation with TreesUpstate’s certified Arborist.

All TreesUpstate giving levels include special notification of events and activities and a subscription to our Tree Care Tips.

Yes! I would like to support TreesUpstate! Click here!