Plant. Promote. Protect.
TreesUpstate, formerly known as TreesGreenville, is a nonprofit organization founded in 2005. Our. mission is to plant, promote, and protect trees in the Upstate.
We plant trees in parks, schools, and neighborhoods.
We promote the benefits of trees.
We protect by providing education and technical support to help inform policies and systems change.
TreesUpstate has planted and given away more than 16,000 trees!
Help us plant and maintain more trees. Donate now. Any amount helps.
Why Trees Upstate?
The impact. Trees are a local carbon offset!
One mature canopy tree can remove the equivalent of about 11,000 miles of car emissions, each year. And we’ve planted and given away over 16,000 trees!
- 16,000 x 11,000 = 176 million
- Together, we’re making an impact.
- At maturity the trees we’ve already planted and given away can remove the equivalent of 176 million miles of car emissions.
We invite you to join us. Make an impact. It’s easy. One 15-gallon tree costs us about $250 to plant. We raise every $1 we have. The more $ we have, the more trees we can plant, water, and maintain. Make a donation today. Any amount helps us have clean air, cooler temperatures, blue skies, reduced stormwater runoff, and so much more.

Legacy Tree Project
We plant Legacy Trees at parks and schools across the upstate. Legacy Trees are canopy trees that live for 100+ years if properly planted and maintained. We plant oaks, tulip poplars, American beech, birch, baldcypress, sycamore, and more native and urban tolerant species as part of our Legacy Tree Program. TreesUpstate is planting for the future by planting the right tree in the right place. If you are interested in working with TreesUpstate to plant trees, apply for our one of our tree grants today!
Neighborwoods is our community tree planting initiative. We plant on private and public property. We target low to moderate income neighborhoods with low tree canopy cover through the Greenville County Redevelopment Authority.
Tree Keepers
Tree Keepers was started in Greenville County as a state model to teach best management practices. Sponsored by TreesUpstate, Clemson Cooperative Extension and Trees SC, this is now a state-wide program designed specifically for tree care professionals to further the health and vitality of our urban forest. There are 1 day workshops for industry professionals and a 5 week (10 hour) course for community members.

TreesUpstate Plantings
With the help of our corporate partners, donors, and volunteers, TreesUpstate has planted and given away over 13,000 trees. We’ve had over 350 planting events at 150+ sites at parks, schools, neighborhoods, and greenspaces in Greenville and Spartanburg Counties. We plant mostly native and urban hardy species. We plant most Saturday’s October-March and we are always looking for volunteers to come plant with us. Our plantings are funded through: our annual campaign, general donations, honorariums & memorials, grants, and our annual Turkey Day 8k. Donate Now. Volunteer.

Energy Saving Trees
Energy Saving Trees is a program presented by Duke Energy. Since 2016, TreesUpstate has given away more than 5,800 trees to over 4,800 participating homeowners. When planted in the appropriate location around a home or building, trees contribute to energy savings through lowering air conditioning and heating bills.
K-12 Curriculum
TreesUpstate designed and installed Model Tree Gardens to serve as outdoor classrooms at: League Academy, Fountain Inn Elementary School, Sevier Middle School, and JL Mann High School. A former curriculum specialist and current Assistant Principal with Greenville County Schools developed an interdisciplinary K-12 curriculum for us based on what teachers were already teaching in their classrooms. There is at least one lesson per grade level per subject area and related arts. Do to copyrights on images, please email us for the pdf.